Prince Nejd ox
Arabian thoroughbred1928
Shazada ox
Arabian thoroughbred1913
Mootrub 1887 DB
Arabian thoroughbred1887
Ruth Kesia 1903 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1903
Ben Azrek 1892 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1892
Azrek 1881 DB
Shemse EAO
Borak EAO
Arabian thoroughbred1895
Boanerges EAO
Kesia II DB
Nejdmieh 1914 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1914
Gadara ox
Arabian thoroughbred1925
Father of mother
Harir ox
Arabian thoroughbred1911
Berk 1903 ox
Seyal 1897 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1897
Mesaoud 1887 RAS
Sobha 1879 ox
Bukra 1896 EAO
Arabian thoroughbred1896
Ahmar 1890 ox
Bozra 1881 EAO
Hamasa 1902 EAO
Arabian thoroughbred1902
Aziz 1877 RAS
Yemama 1885 RAS
Bint Helwa 1887 RAS
Helwa 1875 RAS
Zarif ox
Arabian thoroughbred
Faraoun ox
Arabian thoroughbred1899
Fulana ox
Arabian thoroughbred1893
Ibn Nura 1876 RAS
Bint Fereyha ox
Rabi ox
Rafyk ox
Arabian thoroughbred1890
Rose of Sharon 1885 ox
Namusa ox
Narghileh 1895 ox