Hoot Speed (US)
American Trotter1968
Speedy Scot US-108446
American Trotter1960
Speedster US-92622
American Trotter1954
Rodney 77557 (US)
American Trotter1944
Spencer Scott 7244 (US)
Earl's Princess Martha (US)
Mimi Hanover (US)
American Trotter1945
Dean Hanover US-71679 (ex Mr Watt)
Hanover Maid (US)
Scotch Love (US)
Victory Song 76207 (US)
American Trotter1943
Volomite 68580 (US)
Evensong (US)
Selka Scot (US)
Scotland 68146 (US)
Selka Guy (US)
Hoot Nimble (US)
American Trotter1958
Hoot Mon 76700 (US)
American Trotter1925
Peter Scott US-64391
Roya McKinney (US)
Missey (US)
American Trotter1938
Guy Abbey US-68299
Tilly Tonka (US)
Nimble Colby (US)
American Trotter1953
Colby Hanover 73136 (US)
American Trotter1939
Mr McElwyn US-68461
Miss Bertha Hanover (US)
Rilda Mite (US)
American Trotter1941
Rilda Axworthy (US)
Mary Lion 13267 (SE)
American Trotter1964
Father of mother
Lion Scott (SE)
Swedish Trotting
Sir Walter Scott (US)
American Trotter1929
American Trotter1909
Peter the Great 28955 (US)
Jenny Scott (US)
Pearl Benboe (US)
American Trotter1917
Benboe 55 053 (US)
Lady Fromberg (US)
Lemomite (US)
American Trotter1937
American Trotter1926
Peter Volo 57574 (US)
Cita Friscco (US)
Lema Moko (US)
American Trotter1932
Moko 24 457 (US)
Palema (US)
Mary Lib 9089 (SE)
American Trotter1959
Tampiko 4424 (SE)
American Trotter1950
Peter Rutherford S-686
Rutherford 70009 (US)
Lenova (US)
Josephine 2160 (SE)
Encore US-70671
Rhapsodie 1.25,4
Mahogny 5384 (SE)
American Trotter1952