Brother Guy
American Trotter
Guy Axworthy US-37501
American Trotter1902
Axworthy US-24845
American Trotter1892
Axtell US-5183
American Trotter1886
William L 4244 (US)
Lou (US)
Marguerite (US)
American Trotter1876
Kentucky Prince US-2470
Young Daisy (US)
Lillian Wilkes (US)
Guy Wilkes US-2867
American Trotter1879
George Wilkes 519 (US)
Lady Bunker (US)
Flora (US)
Arthurton 365 (US)
Stute von Langford xx
My Sister Lou
American Trotter1920
Peter the Great 28955 (US)
American Trotter1895
Pilot Medium US-1597
Happy Medium 400 (US)
Tackey (US)
Santos (US)
American Trotter1887
Grand Sentinel US-865
Shadow (US)
Rona Worthy (US)
American Trotter1912
Barona (US)
Baron Wilkes 4758 (US)
Beatrice 3373 (DK)
American Trotter1936
Father of mother
Moore Dear US-70554
American Trotter1930