Yatez ox
Arabian thoroughbred1952
Witez II 1938 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1938
Ofir 1933 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1933
Kuhailan Haifi 1923 DB
Arabian thoroughbred1923
Kuhailan Kharas db
Kuhaila Haifi ox
Dziwa 1922 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1922
Abu Mlech 1902 ox
Zulejma 1914 ox
Federacja 1924 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1924
Burgas 1907 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1907
Koalicja 1918 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1918
Koheilan IV 1904 ox
238 Amurath-25 ox
Riwayat ox
Arabian thoroughbred1943
Raseyn 1923 ox
Skowronek 1909 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1909
Ibrahim 1899 ox
Jaskolka 1891 ox
Rayya ox
Arabian thoroughbred1915
Rustem 1908 ox
Riada 1904 ox
Dirabba ox
Arabian thoroughbred1937
Rossdin ox
Ferdin ox
Rossana ox
Raab ox
Arabian thoroughbred1927
Abu Zeyd 1904 ox
Raad ox
Scharifa ox
Arabian thoroughbred1948
Father of mother
Abu Farwa 1940 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1940
Rabiyas EAO
Arabian thoroughbred1936
Rahas ox
Arabian thoroughbred1928
Gulastra ox
Rabiyat EAO
Arabian thoroughbred1926
Rehal EAO
Rokhsa EAO
Rissletta ox
Arabian thoroughbred1930
Naseem 1922 ox
Nasra 1908 ox
Risslina ox
Rafeef ox
Rissla 1917 ox
Schilastra ox
Astraled 1900 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1900
Mesaoud 1887 RAS
Queen of Sheba 1875 RAS
Gulnare 1914 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1914
Rodan 1906 ox
Ghazala 1896 RAS
Schilan ox
Arabian thoroughbred1929
Antez ox
Arabian thoroughbred1921
Harara ox
Moliah 1911 ox
Schilla 1920 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1920
Letan ox
Saleefy ox