Twyford Thunder
Welsh Mountain P.1963
Twyford Grenadier
Welsh Mountain P.1957
Coed Coch Madog
Welsh Mountain P.1947
Coed Coch Seryddwr
Welsh Mountain P.1943
Coed Coch Glyndwr
Coed Coch Seirian
Coed Coch Mefusen
Grove Madcap
Twyford Gala
Welsh Mountain P.1953
Welsh Mountain P.1935
Dinarth Henol (Dinarth Gwenol)
Wee Georgette
Welsh Mountain P.1948
Craven Sprightshot
Gwyndy Georgiana
Mountain Torrent
Welsh Mountain P.1951
Wee Cream Cupid
Welsh Mountain P.1945
Criban Cockade
Welsh Mountain P.1936
Ness Commander
Criban Socks
Cnewr Chestnut Lass
Welsh Mountain P.1924
Cnewr Goldfinger
Cnewr Carol
Welsh Mountain P.1930
Craven Sprightly
Grove King Cole II
Grove Sprite Ii
Gwyndy Georgina II
Welsh Mountain P.1913
Prince of Cardiff
Gwyndy Georgina
Welsh Mountain P.
Father of mother
Roman Nonius
Welsh Mountain P.1966
Revel Springbok
Revel Tycoon
Welsh Mountain P.1959
Revel Popcorn
Brierwood Toffee
Revel Spring Song
Welsh Mountain P.1950
Pendock Playboy
Revel Serenade
Revel Noon
Welsh Mountain P.1958
Revel Chancellor
Bowdler Brewer
Revel Choice
Revel Nance
Welsh Mountain P.1949
Vardra Sunstar
Vadra Nance
Roman Caress
Revel Tobias
Revel Crusader
Welsh Mountain P.1954
Brierwood Treacle
Welsh Mountain P.1942
Barley Sugar
Blanche Colleen
Welsh Mountain P.1961
Marsh Crusader
Welsh Mountain P.1955
Revel Cream Bun
Cui Ripple II
Gaerstone Beacon
Cui Wyth