Pacific ox
Nasmeshnik 1963 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1963
Arax 1952 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1952
Amurath Sahib 1932 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1932
Amurath II ox
Sahiba ox
Angara ox
Arabian thoroughbred1947
Wielki Szlem 1938 ox
Brda ox
Neposeda 1955 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1955
Priboj 1944 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1944
Piolun 1934 ox
Rissalma EAO
Nomenklatura 1943 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1943
Naseem 1922 ox
Mammona 1939 ox
Peace ox
Naplyv 1958 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1958
Pomeranets 1952 ox
Nitochka 1948 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1948
Taraszcza 1937 ox
Rose ox
Arabian thoroughbred1968
Kossak ox
Arabian thoroughbred1960
Rushti ox
Karramba 1951 ox
Lady Nasam ox
Arabian thoroughbred1959
Gharbi ox
Nasam EAO
Magic Camilla ox
Arabian thoroughbred1973
Father of mother
Yuri of Pelere ox
Gold Rex ox
Alexus ox
Arabian thoroughbred1949
Irex ox
Aletta ox
Gleaming Gold ox
Arabian thoroughbred1950
Indian Gold ox
Risira ox
Imanzadi ox
Arabian thoroughbred1965
Iman ox
Rissam 1928 ox
Yamina ox
Arabian thoroughbred1961
Iranim ox
Yatagan ox
Magic Moments ox
Arabian thoroughbred1956
Ash-Kar ox
Arabian thoroughbred1939
Hilal 1924 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1924
Uns-El-Wujood ox
Shejret Eddur ox
Fantana EAO
Arabian thoroughbred1922
Nasik 1908 ox
Ferda 1913 ox
Falha el Muntafiq ox
Arabian thoroughbred1945
Shariff ox
Arabian thoroughbred1940
Riffal 1936 ox
Shabryeh ox
Jamila ox
Arabian thoroughbred1927
Seglawi 1817 DB
Keheilet Ajux ox