Lunesdale Jerry
Fell Pony1972
Mountain Flash II
Fell Pony1966
Waverhead Rambler
Fell Pony1959
Black Grouse
Fell Pony
Tebay Little John
Jenny o'the Hill
Fell Pony1946
Storm Boy
Mountain Heather
Fell Pony1947
Linnel Raven II
Fell Pony1944
Linnel Prim
Linnel Roamer
Mountain Gypsy
Fell Pony1933
Mountain Jester
Sleddale Dainty III
Fell Pony1963
Adamthwaite Lucky Star
Fell Pony1958
Heltondale Prince
Fell Pony1951
Heltondale Romer
Blackbird VII
Stoup Hill Pride
Fell Pony1954
Mountain Pride
Stoup Hill Black Bess
Sleddale Dainty
Fell Pony1957
Merry John III
Fell Pony1953
Master John
Gipsy Queen 10th
Sleddale Beauty III
Park House Victor
Sleddale Beauty II
Sleddale Rose
Father of mother
Swinburn Boy
Fell Pony1937
Jock of Highwinder
Orig. Fell Horse
Bess of Heltondale
Lady of Heltondale
Heltondale Victor
Fell Pony1915
Weardale Hero
Fuesdale Black Bess of Heltondale
Dot of Keld Head
Sleddale Daisy II
Hardendale Model
Mountain Ranger
Park End King
Scoredale Queen
Hardendale Gem
Sleddale Daisy