Moshai ox
Arabian thoroughbred1993
Simeon Shai 1984 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1984
Raadin Royal Star ox
Arabian thoroughbred1980
ET Crown Prince ox
Arabian thoroughbred1977
The Egyptian Prince 1967 ox
RDM Maar Hala ox
Om Khamsa ox
Arabian thoroughbred1974
Tuhotmos 1962 EAO
Raadin Hilal ox
Simeon Safanad 1980 ox
Sankt Georg 1975 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1975
Ansata el Salim 1967 ox
Bint El Bataa 1955 EAO
27-Ibn Galal V ox
Arabian thoroughbred1973
Ibn Galal 1966 EAO
Hosna EAO
Bay Omnia ox
Arabian thoroughbred1989
Egypts El Sheikh ox
Arabian thoroughbred1983
Maalik EAO
Morafic 1956 EAO
Omnia EAO
Dalala Bint Shiko EAO
Arabian thoroughbred1976
Shiko Ibn Sheikh EAO
Fathaya ox
Egypts Omnia ox
Maya Bint Fathaya ox
El Dayim ox
Qualified ox
Arabian thoroughbred1987
Father of mother
Barich de Washoe ox
Arabian thoroughbred1965
Zurich ox
Arabian thoroughbred1956
Malvito ox
Arabian thoroughbred1949
Gandhy ox
Egina ox
Extranjera ox
Arabian thoroughbred1939
Uganda ox
Aldebaran II ox
Arabian thoroughbred1957
Halconera ox
Arabian thoroughbred1942
Ilustre 1923 ox
Makkora ox
Arabian thoroughbred1978
Makor ox
Arabian thoroughbred1970
Galero ox
Zancudo 1958 ox
Zalema 1958 ox
Chavali ox
Arabian thoroughbred1959
Ornis II ox
Paita ox
Corona ox
Arabian thoroughbred1961
Maquillo ox
Famula ox
Habladuria ox
Arabian thoroughbred1944
Nana Sahib 1934 ox
Sara III ox