Parisien (FR)
French Trotter1937
Sam Williams (US)
American Trotter1922
Peter Scott US-64391
American Trotter1909
Peter the Great 28955 (US)
American Trotter1895
Pilot Medium US-1597
Santos (US)
Jenny Scott (US)
American Trotter1905
Bryson 19991 (US)
Aetna (US)
Blitzie (US)
American Trotter1915
Walnut Hall 31641 (US)
American Trotter1898
Conductor 12256 (US)
Maggie Yeazer (US)
Kathleen Kenney (US)
American Trotter1901
Patron 2529 (US)
Stella C (US)
Walkyrie V (FR)
French Trotter1921
Nemrod (FR)
French Trotter1913
Bemecourt (FR)
French Trotter1901
Fuschia (FR)
Ergoline (FR)
Girandole (FR)
French Trotter1906
Ormonde (FR)
Fa Mi Sol (FR)
French Trotter1905
Narquois (FR)
French Trotter1891
Hebe III (FR)
Cendrillon (FR)
French Trotter1887
Carnavalet (FR)
Miss London (FR)
Racket Arion (NL)
Father of mother
Fried (DE)
Lee Tide US-65306
American Trotter1918
Lee Axworthy US-58183
Emily Ellen (US)
Lula Arion (US)
American Trotter1907
Lady Arion (US)
Frieda Magowan (DE)
German trotters1925
Magowan (US)
American Trotter1913
Vice Commodore US-34710
Fanella (US)
Pute (DE)
German trotters1917
Linscott (US)
Puchhoferin (DE)
Epona (DE)
German trotters1937
Prince John
American Trotter1932
Volomite 68580 (US)
American Trotter1926
Peter Volo 57574 (US)
Cita Friscco (US)
Margaret Arion (US)
American Trotter1923
Guy Axworthy US-37501
Margaret Parrish (US)
German trotters1931
Guy Bacon (US)
American Trotter1920
Aileen Bacon (US)
Bettie Thornton (US)
American Trotter1914
The Northern Man (US)
Gracie Jay (US)