Oakesmuir Pinto Pete
Peter Paint
Bashkir Curly1982
Peacock D
Bashkir Curly1975
Damele Horse
Bashkir Curly1965
Bashkir Curly
Nevada Red ox
Damele Mare
Bashkir Curly1972
Little Copper D
Bashkir Curly1989
Ruby Red King
Morgan Horse1973
Rockwell's Valley Tan
Morgan Horse1961
Ken's Caramel
Roxanne Dawn
Morgan Horse
GB Copper D
Bashkir Curly1979
Arabian thoroughbred1961
Nafix ox
Bint Nabiya ox
The Copper Mare
Bashkir Curly1967
Copper D
Oakesmuir Eramosa
Father of mother
Jumpin Jack Flash
Teddie Bear E
Bashkir Curly1983
YB Pinto D
Bashkir Curly1973
OB Pinto D
Shenandoah Sunshine
Bashkir Curly1986
Charming Sonny Red TS
Bashkir Curly1981
Prince Charming T
Sunshine Mirazh
Xanadu D