Magnum Psyche ox
Arabian thoroughbred1995
Padrons Psyche 1988 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1988
Padron 1977 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1977
Patron 1966 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1966
Aswan 1958 EAO
Podruga ox
Odessa ox
Arabian thoroughbred1973
Bright Wings 1965 ox
Serinda ox
Kilika 1982 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1982
Tamerlan 1967 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1967
Arax 1952 ox
Trapecia 1961 ox
Kilifa ox
Arabian thoroughbred1972
Kilimandscharo 1968 ox
Kapelka ox
A Fancy Miracle ox
Arabian thoroughbred1991
Sasaki ox
Arabian thoroughbred1981
Nagasaki ox
Arabian thoroughbred1969
Sacudir ox
Nevisca ox
Safia 1970 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1970
Galero ox
Medina Azahara ox
Arabian thoroughbred1979
Garbo ox
Arabian thoroughbred1965
Orive ox
Baldosa ox
Grazalema 1973 ox
Jaguay 1968 ox
Dalia IV 1962 ox
OFW Shahntillirose ox
Arabian thoroughbred1996
Father of mother
Bey Shah ox
Arabian thoroughbred1976
Bay El Bey ox
Bay-Abi ox
Arabian thoroughbred1957
Errabi ox
Angyl ox
Naganka ox
Arabian thoroughbred1952
Bad Afas ox
Najada ox
Star of Ofir ox
Bask ox
Arabian thoroughbred1956
Witraz 1938 ox
Balalajka ox
Llana ox
Arabian thoroughbred1964
Ga'zi ox
Zaryn ox
GA Honisuckl Rose ox
Arabian thoroughbred1990
Khemosabi ox
Amerigo ox
Arabian thoroughbred1962
Ferseyn ox
Szarza ox
Jurneeka ox
Arabian thoroughbred1958
Fadjur ox
Fadneeka ox
NV Rose Ella ox
Magic Genii ox
Arabian thoroughbred1968
Serafix ox
Indian Genii ox