Townend Donny II
Fell Pony1999
Drybarrows Jeff
Fell Pony1992
Heltondale Lucky Lad II
Fell Pony1981
Heltondale Heather Lad
Fell Pony1968
Heltondale Rosanna
Heltondale Beauty VII
Fell Pony1975
Heltondale Beauty V
Drybarrows Bonnie
Fell Pony1986
Heltondale Black Prince III
Fell Pony1982
Hardendale Raven
Heltondale Gypsy Queen
Fell Pony1977
Townend Bracken III
Heltondale Polly Perkins II
Townend Dinkie III
Fell Pony1985
Lunesdale Jerry
Fell Pony1972
Mountain Flash II
Fell Pony1966
Waverhead Rambler
Mountain Heather
Sleddale Dainty III
Fell Pony1963
Adamthwaite Lucky Star
Sleddale Dainty
Townend Dally III
Fell Pony1978
Lunesdale Lucky Jim
Fell Pony1974
Lunesdale Heather
Fell Pony1965
Johnnie Walker
Heltondale Queen
Fell Pony2001
Father of mother
Waverhead Gary
Fell Pony1997
Lownthwaite Gary
Fell Pony1991
Heltondale Duke IV
Fell Pony1983
Heltondale Hero
Heltondale Blooming Heather VI
Lownthwaite Current
Fell Pony
Packway Rowan
Lownthwaite Sultana
Waverhead Juwel
Heltondale Black Jock
Heltondale Mountain Prince
Waverhead Polly
Jewel o' the Hill
Murthwaite Pam
Fell Pony1993
Moorhouse Black Prince
Hardendale Star 15788
Fell Pony1967
Heltondale Dido