Herkules 5 SH
Shetland Pony1969
Twins Baltzar
Shetland Pony1960
Lilleman RS 11
Shetland Pony1956
Kirkbride Beau
Shetland Pony1946
Bergia of Transy
Sotlugg RS 110
Shetland Pony
Orig. Shetland
Patrons Doll
Shetland Pony1953
Shetland Pony1942
Dirk of Earlshall
Patrons Docka RS 3
Shetland Pony1950
Kålltorps Lena
Shetland Pony1957
Rossönäs Erik
Shetland Pony1948
Bergastor of Transy
Shetland Pony1934
Pole Star
Harviestoun Edie
Shetland Pony1944
Elderflower II of Earlshall
Rossönäs Ellen
Bay Leaf of Felbridge
Emillius of Earlshall
Sweet Home of Sansaw
Frida 22 SH
Shetland Pony1975
Father of mother
Fernando van de Bosrand
Shetland Pony1970
Robby van Vogelzang
Shetland Pony1959
Gelrus v.d. Stoeterij
Frieda van de Stoeterij
Gonella van Overasselt
Crear van 't Hof
Conny v.d. Maasdijk
Cindarella v. Pens. Sacré Couer
Shetland Pony1967
Napoleon v.d. Gouwe
Ywenky van Bloemendaal
Freya van de Bosrand
Spotlight of Marshwood
Rustic Sprite of Standen
Shetland Pony1929
Fairy Lamp
Rose Noble
Roseblossom of Maryfield
Shetland Pony1931
Bright Star of Maryfield
Rosetta of Maryfield
Pertha van Wijchen
Martha van Wijchen
Shetland Pony2016