Verdrefawr Ifor 1WM
Welsh Mountain P.1988
Betws Canwr
Welsh Mountain P.1985
Betws Emrys
Welsh Mountain P.1978
Coed Coch Bari
Welsh Mountain P.1971
Coed Coch Salsbri
Coed Coch Swyn
Betws Glenys
Welsh Mountain P.1967
Coed Coch Pela
Criban Golden Spray
Betws Sibrwd
Welsh Mountain P.
Twyford Juggler
Welsh Mountain P.1965
Twyford Puzzle
Revel Jem
Betws Sandra
Welsh Mountain P.1974
Coed Coch Saled
Verdrefawr Blodwen
Verdrefawr Pryd
Coed Coch Anarawd
Welsh Mountain P.1962
Coed Coch Proffwyd
Coed Coch Anwyled
Verdrefawr Ceinwen
Welsh Mountain P.1968
Garreg Quicksilver
Verdre Cennen Rose
Nefyn Blodyn
Welsh Mountain P.1969
Welsh Mountain P.1963
Rhyd-y-Felin Silver Lady
Rhyd-y-Felin Swgwr
Rhyd-y-Felin Swyn-y-Nant
Firenze Prix
New Forest Pony1993
Father of mother
Plovvangs Prix 11 NF
New Forest Pony1980
Mudeford Dorian II
New Forest Pony1968
Dorian Gray
New Forest Pony1959
David Gray
Dolly Grey IX
Furzey Lodge Gay Princess
New Forest Pony1962
Lyndhurst Roamer
Furzey Lodge Gay Duchess
Zuidhoek's Charming Princess
Merrie Miller
Merrie Mercury
Merrie Mary Ann
Drumway Palm
New Forest Pony1953
Bettesthorne Ariel
Penelope IV 7779 NPS
V.V. Hebisse
New Forest Pony1985
Papillon 4 NF
New Forest Pony1974
Burton Starlight
New Forest Pony1960
Priory Starlight VII
Burton Kitty
Hunzehoeves First Lady
New Forest Pony1964
Priory Blue Peter
Isabella of Burton
Djufwanäs Finesse 80 NF
New Forest Pony1979
New Forest Pony1970
Zuidpool's Rufus van Nomad
Grace III
Broomy Freckles
New Forest Pony1969
Broomy Blazeaway
Broomy Roulette