FA El Rasheem ox
Arabian thoroughbred2011
FA El Shawan ox
Arabian thoroughbred2005
Marwan Al Shaqab ox
Arabian thoroughbred2000
Gazal Al Shaqab ox
Arabian thoroughbred1995
Anaza El Farid ox
Kajora ox
Little Liza Fame ox
Arabian thoroughbred1987
Fame VF ox
Katahza ox
Foxbriar Shakita ox
Arabian thoroughbred2001
ZT Shakfantasy ox
Bey Shah ox
RH LIght Fantasy ox
Selket Mirror ox
Arabian thoroughbred1994
Furno Khamal ox
Prefered Time ox
Virtuosa MLR ox
Versace ox
Arabian thoroughbred1982
Raffoleta Rose ox
Precious as Gold ox
Arabian thoroughbred1984
El Shaklan 1975 ox
Autumn in Gold ox
Alishamaal ox
Ali Jamaal ox
Ruminaja Ali 1976 ox
Heritage Memory ox
NV Alieshah ox
Arabian thoroughbred1992
Aandraya ox
Ladi Veronika ox
Arabian thoroughbred2002
Father of mother
Arabian thoroughbred1976
Bay El Bey ox
Star of Ofir ox
Arabian thoroughbred1971
Raffon ox
Leta Rose ox
Arabian thoroughbred1975
Shaker El Masri 1963 EAO
Estopa 1965 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1980
Classy McCoy ox
Julieann ox
Nisr Natevka ox
Ansata El Nisr ox
Arabian thoroughbred1967
Ansata Ibn Halima 1958 EAO
Arabian thoroughbred1958
Nazeer 1934 RAS
Halima RAS
Ansata Bint Zaafarana 1958 EAO
Zaafarana 1946 RAS
Fez Feather ox
Arabian thoroughbred1977
EW Fez ox
Arabian thoroughbred1972
Bask ox
Ferezja ox
Myecho ox
Arabian thoroughbred1973
Fadjuronimo ox
Gwenhyfar ox