Sudbourne Foch
Suffolk Punch1918
Sudbourne Beau-Brocade
Suffolk Punch1912
Sudbourne Beau-Monde
Suffolk Punch1908
Sudbourne Sunshine
Suffolk Punch1897
Eclipse (Pratt's Eclipse)
Mercy 3420
Sudbourne Beauty
Suffolk Punch1904
Smith's Prince Albert
Sudbourne Council
Sudbourne Tilly
Suffolk Punch
Sudbourne Arabi
Sudbourne Count
Sudbourne Arabelle
Sudbourne Tulip
Sudbourne Lord
Sudbourne Topsy
Sudbourne Becky
Sudbourne Peter (ex Morston Peter 3681)
Bawdsey Harvester
Suffolk Punch1903
Golden Grain (Pratt's Golden Grain)
Depper 4467
Magpie 3628
Smith's Hereward
Sudbourne Beatrice
Sudbourne Arab
Sudbourne Bessie
Smith's Dimple Dick
Seckford Bess
Rose of Gold
Father of mother
Morston Wallace
Burgh Rose
Suffolk Punch1905
Suffolk Punch1896
Smith's Wedgewood
Suffolk Punch1886
Prince Charlie
Trimley Diamond
Stella 2427
Suffolk Punch1888
Cup-Bearer III (Garrett's Cup-Bearer)
Rhoda 4590
Pratt's Scottish Chief
Ruth 3398
Ruby 2288