Balih el Jamaal ox
Arabian thoroughbred1991
Ali Jamaal ox
Arabian thoroughbred1982
Ruminaja Ali 1976 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1976
Shaikh Al Badi 1969 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1969
Morafic 1956 EAO
Bint Maisa El Saghira 1958 EAO
Bint Magidaa ox
Arabian thoroughbred1970
Khofo 1965 EAO
Magidaa 1964 EAO
Heritage Memory ox
Arabian thoroughbred1971
El Magato ox
Arabian thoroughbred1961
El Gato ox
Marharetta ox
Heritage Labelle ox
Arabian thoroughbred1964
Fadi ox
La Donna ox
Bet el Wali Na ox
Arabian thoroughbred1987
El Shaklan 1975 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1975
Shaker El Masri 1963 EAO
Arabian thoroughbred1963
Zebeda EAO
Estopa 1965 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1965
Tabal ox
Uyaima ox
Bint Dee Moniet-na
Arabian thoroughbred1981
Na Ibn Moniet ox
Arabian thoroughbred1973
Ibn Moniet El Nefous 1964 EAO
Roufah EAO
Arabian thoroughbred1977
Treashahr Isle
Arabian thoroughbred
Father of mother
Bey Shah ox
Bay El Bey ox
Bay-Abi ox
Arabian thoroughbred1957
Errabi ox
Angyl ox
Naganka ox
Arabian thoroughbred1952
Bad Afas ox
Najada ox
Star of Ofir ox
Bask ox
Arabian thoroughbred1956
Witraz 1938 ox
Balalajka ox
Llana ox
Ga'zi ox
Zaryn ox
Isle Love ox
Eukaliptus ox
Arabian thoroughbred1974
Bandos 1964 ox
Negatiw 1945 ox
Bandola 1948 ox
Eunice ox
Arabian thoroughbred1959
Comet 1953 ox
Epigona ox
Basquine ox
Countess of Lasma ox
Arabian thoroughbred1960
Count Dorsaz ox
Silwara ox