Argon A 278
Shetland Pony1985
Arco A 102
Shetland Pony1976
Armin A 94
Shetland Pony1963
Amad A 16 DDR
Shetland Pony1946
Anfang A 25
Madam A 292 S DDR
Daisy A 158 DDR
Dorrit AS 378
Perle A 83 DDR
Shetland Pony1968
Pfeffer A 36
Shetland Pony
Emmi A 49 S DDR
Puppe A 20 H
Skisport 3041
Jette A 876
Shetland Pony1980
Bübchen A 133
Shetland Pony1969
Birk of Woodhall
Shetland Pony1961
Hurtwood Rannoch
Marigold of Woodhall
Rosalientje v. Hogenhof
Shetland Pony1959
Melis van Lienden
Gosina van de Lodderkoets
Julchen A 583 H
Windy A 219
Longmead Shooting Star
Twopence of Checkley
Julika A 148 H
Marco A 71
Chanette A 48 H
Shetland Pony1999
Father of mother
Shetland Pony1992
Kadosa A 135
Kadett A 112 DDR
Shetland Pony1977
Kämpfer A 67 DDR
Marlieschen H 112 DDR
Dotta A 1752 H
Vincenz A 52
Pandora A 348 H
Pierre A 88 DDR
Shetland Pony1971
Pelikan A 284
Vunni H 26 Z DDR
Odilia A 90 H
Odette 689
Shetland Pony1993
Perle III AH
Shetland Pony1981
Panja AH 205
Shetland Pony1972
Pfeil A 53 DDR
Minka A 91