Tunecino ox
Arabian thoroughbred1912
Wan Dick 1898 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1898
Vasco de Gama 1885 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1885
Woltyzer 1870 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1870
Waleczny 1851 ox
Alsagora 1862 ox
Comtesse Julie 1880 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1880
Inkas 1875 ox
Klacz 1870 ox
Hela 1868 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1868
Euterpe I 1865 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1865
Ernani 1877 ox
Szansa 1850 ox
Farja I 1902 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1902
Saklawi Jedran 1892 DB
Arabian thoroughbred1892
Hamdanieh Simrieh 1892 DB
Uganda ox
Arabian thoroughbred1929
Father of mother
Sawah the Second OA
Arabian thoroughbred1920
Sada Yama ox
Arabian thoroughbred1919
Hebdan ox
Arabian thoroughbred1906
Sultane ox
Farid ox
Arabian thoroughbred1900
Djedaan DB
Andae ox
Arabian thoroughbred1895
Nahr Ibrahim ox DB
Gemma ox