Nabor 1950 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1950
Negatiw 1945 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1945
Naseem 1922 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1922
Skowronek 1909 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1909
Ibrahim 1899 ox
Jaskolka 1891 ox
Nasra 1908 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1908
Daoud 1899 ox
Nefisa 1885 ox
Taraszcza 1937 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1937
Enwer Bey 1923 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1923
Abu Mlech 1902 ox
Koalicja 1918 ox
Gazella II 1914 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1914
Kohejlan 1904 DB
Abra 1904 ox
Lagodna ox
Arabian thoroughbred1939
Posejdon ox
Arabian thoroughbred1916
Arabian thoroughbred1899
Heijer 1889 DB
Lafitte (Falite)
Najada ox
Arabian thoroughbred1906
Sultan ox
Nowela ox
Obra 1933 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1933
Hardy 1926 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1926
Ganges I 1901 ox
Ikwa 1927 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1927
Koheilan VIII 1922 ox
Elstera 1913 ox
Aabenaya ox
Arabian thoroughbred1956
Father of mother
Aarief ox
Arabian thoroughbred1946
Raffles ox
Rifala 1922 ox
Rissla 1917 ox
Aarah ox
Arabian thoroughbred1935
Ghadaf ox
Arabian thoroughbred1929
Ribal 1920 ox
Gulnare 1914 ox
Nadirat ox
Rizvan 1919 EAO
Nusara ox
Nejd Benaya ox
Arabian thoroughbred1949
Adonis ox
A Kehilan Ajuz of the Anazeh
A Seglawieh Jedran of Dalia
Curfa ox
Nardina ox
Beneyeh ox
Letan ox
Muson DB
Jedah DB
Amham 1920 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1920
Hamrah 1904 DB
Dahura 1909 ox