Fried (DE)
Lee Tide US-65306
American Trotter1918
Lee Axworthy US-58183
American Trotter1911
Guy Axworthy US-37501
Gaiety Lee (US)
Emily Ellen (US)
American Trotter1907
Todd 33822 US-33822
Morning Bells (US)
Lula Arion (US)
Peter the Great 28955 (US)
American Trotter1895
Pilot Medium US-1597
Santos (US)
Lady Arion (US)
American Trotter1902
Arion 18000 (US)
Tanta Buona (US)
Frieda Magowan (DE)
German trotters1925
Magowan (US)
American Trotter1913
Vice Commodore US-34710
American Trotter1901
Bingen 29567 (US)
Narion (US)
Fanella (US)
American Trotter1893
Pute (DE)
German trotters1917
Linscott (US)
American Trotter1910
Moko 24 457 (US)
The Linnet
Puchhoferin (DE)
German trotters1912
Alamito 11 864 (US)
Aster (DE)
German trotters1938
Father of mother
Peter Pluto 65593 (US)
American Trotter1879
Happy Medium 400 (US)
Tackey (US)
American Trotter1887
Grand Sentinel US-865
Shadow (US)
Nelle Worthy L
American Trotter1905
Axworthy US-24845
American Trotter1892
Axtell US-5183
Marguerite (US)
Miss Anna Jay
American Trotter1904
Jay Bird 5060 (US)
Magnet Girl (US)
Guy Lilly (DE)
German trotters1929
Frank Guy (US)
American Trotter1922
Lillian Wilkes (US)
Grace Howard
American Trotter
San Francisco US-49173
Minnie Logan
Long Lilly (DE)
Longino (US)
Allerton 5128 (US)
Aviletta (US)
Axlili (DE)
German trotters1916
Young Axtell (US)