Armbro Ogden C-MV-572
American Trotter1993
Speedy Crown 9498H (US)
American Trotter1968
Speedy Scot US-108446
American Trotter1960
Speedster US-92622
American Trotter1954
Rodney 77557 (US)
Mimi Hanover (US)
Scotch Love (US)
Victory Song 76207 (US)
Selka Scot (US)
Missile Toe (US)
American Trotter1962
Florican 80195 (US)
American Trotter1947
Spud Hanover 72191 (US)
Florimel (US)
Worth A Plenty (US)
Darnley 74240 (US)
Sparkle Plenty (US)
Armbro Barb (US)
American Trotter
Dream of Glory US-504-AK
American Trotter1971
Speedy Count 0797A (US)
American Trotter1961
Countess Song (US)
Dixie Valley
American Trotter1959
Harlan 89206 (US)
Bright Key (US)
Keystone Barb (US)
American Trotter1972
Hickory Pride 98581 (US)
American Trotter1956
Star's Pride 80141 (US)
Misty Hanover (US)
Bright Valour (US)
Honor Bright (US)
Glades Night
Father of mother