riding horses of Kämper-Meyer

riding horses

dressage horse Bien sur M (Hanoverian, 2010, from Belissimo NRW)

Bien sur M

dressage horse Rania M (Hanoverian, 2005, from Rubin Royal OLD)

Rania M

dressage horse Diwali M (Hanoverian, 2011, from Diamond Hit)

Diwali M

dressage horse Bella Colorata M (Hanoverian, 2008, from Belissimo NRW)

Bella Colorata M

dressage horse Be my Sunshine M (Hanoverian, 2012, from Belissimo NRW)

Be my Sunshine M

dressage horse Ronika W (Hanoverian, 2007, from Roadster)

Ronika W

dressage horse Walino 22 (Westphalian, 2005, from Westernhagen)

Walino 22

dressage horse Sohela M (Hanoverian, 2010, from San Amour I)

Sohela M

broodmare Panorama As (Westphalian, 2009, from Poleggio)

Panorama As

dressage horse Believe it M (Hanoverian, 2008, from Belissimo NRW)

Believe it M

broodmare Rivaia M (Hanoverian, 2007, from Rubinero 2)

Rivaia M

broodmare Ashley W (Hanoverian, 2000, from Alabaster)

Ashley W

broodmare Momo (Hanoverian, 1991, from Matcho AA)
