riding horses of Westerholt

riding horses

jumper Belina de Saphire Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2018, from Balou Star)

Belina de Saphire Z

jumper Casalica (Oldenburg show jumper, 2017, from Casallco)


jumper Cardi Mt (Oldenburg show jumper, 2018, from Conthargos)

Cardi Mt

jumper Cenerentola GV (Westphalian, 2019, from Caracciola Mt)

Cenerentola GV

dressage horse Quelle Belle D'Or GV (Westphalian, 2019, from Qaside Md)

Quelle Belle D'Or GV

jumper Chester Kh (Hanoverian, 2017, from Clinton's Heart)

Chester Kh

jumper Biene-Lou (Oldenburg show jumper, 2017, from Balou du Rouet)


broodmare MPS Be Funky (Oldenburg show jumper, 2018, from Bentley van de Heffinck)

MPS Be Funky

jumper Kaiserin Zita (Oldenburg show jumper, 2019, from Kasanova de La Pomme)

Kaiserin Zita

jumper Rock It Girl (Falabella, 2016)

Rock It Girl

horse Rock It Girl 5 (German Riding Pony, 2016, from The Braes My Mobility)

Rock It Girl 5

jumper Quadir 7 (Oldenburg show jumper, 2017, from Quasimodo vd Molendreef)

Quadir 7

jumper Cioccolato Scuro (Oldenburg, 2017, from Conthargos)

Cioccolato Scuro

jumper Jolanda (Oldenburg show jumper, 2017, from Balou du Rouet)


jumper Universe 8 (Holsteiner, 2018, from Uriko)

Universe 8

jumper Chacco Rouge 4 (Oldenburg show jumper, 2017, from Chacoon Blue)

Chacco Rouge 4

jumper Dito 17 (Holsteiner, 2014, from Diarado)

Dito 17

jumper Livisto (Holsteiner, 2017, from Livello)


jumper Chucker (Oldenburg, 2009, from Chacco-Blue)


jumper Quatman's Boy B (German Riding Pony, 2017, from Quatman)

Quatman's Boy B

jumper Chaccata B (Oldenburg, 2016, from Chaccato)

Chaccata B

jumper Miss Windsor (German Riding Pony, 2016, from Myloo CJ)

Miss Windsor

dressage horse Didantee (Hanoverian, 2015, from Dante Weltino Old)


broodmare Victory (Hanoverian, 2012, from Valentino)
