riding horses of Bauer

riding horses

dressage horse Touch of Black (Hanoverian, 2010, from Silberschmied)

Touch of Black

broodmare Epona Tamira (Welsh-Cob (Sek. D), 2004, from Epona Pimur)

Epona Tamira

dressage horse Finya 4 (Hanoverian, 2010, from Fürst Romancier)

Finya 4

dressage horse Sienna Gold (Oldenburg, 2007, from Serano Gold)

Sienna Gold

broodmare Rock for Flowers (Westphalian, 2012, from Rock Forever NRW)

Rock for Flowers

dressage horse London 44 (Hanoverian, 2008, from Lauries Crusador xx)

London 44

broodmare Sandy II (Holsteiner, 2002, from Caretino)

Sandy II

broodmare Donna Leona 5 (Hanoverian, 2006, from Don Laurie 143 FIN)

Donna Leona 5