riding horses of Gertz

riding horses

dressage horse Kordel II (unknown,  )

Kordel II

horse Karibik Girl (unknown, 2007, from King of my castle xx)

Karibik Girl

jumper Leinwandmesser (German Warmblood, 2007, from Pax)


jumper Naila 29 (German Riding Pony, 2004)

Naila 29

dressage horse Vitali P (German Riding Pony, 2008, from Voyager 2)

Vitali P

stallion Doug 3 (German Riding Pony, 2008, from Dumbledor AT)

Doug 3

jumper Naicy Spicy (Little German Riding Horse, 2005, from Nuts)

Naicy Spicy

dressage horse Chapman (German Riding Pony, 2007, from Charm of Nibelungen)


jumper Dimizio (unknown, 2003)
