Ina van Schaik
- Cloppenburg
- RUFV Cloppenburg
Results as rider
Darline 3 | Reitturnier Lorup 2021 | |
Darline 3 | Reitturnier Lorup 2021 | |
Darline 3 | Reitturnier Berge 2021 | |
Darline 3 | Reitturnier Berge 2021 | |
Darline 3 | Reitturnier Werlte 2021 |
Awards as rider
Biggest success
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last ranking
only for pro member
Biggest success
only for pro member
last ranking
only for pro member
Rider of 4 horses
view all horsesOwner of 1 horses
Show all horses ownedContact data
First name | Ina | Last name | van Schaik |
city | 49661 Cloppenburg | Country | Germany |
member of rimondo since: 18.03.2015