Pluto van de Claevervallei

Pluto van de Claevervallei

Pferd, Belgisches Warmblut, Wallach (gekört), 2015


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Name (BE) Pluto van de Claevervallei Sportname (BE) Pluto van de Claevervallei
Geschlecht Wallach Rasse Belgisches Warmblut
Typ Pferd geboren 01.01.2015
Stockmaß 178 cm Farbe Rappschimmel
Disziplin Springen, Vielseitigkeit Einsatzbereich Sportpferd
Verband hinzufügen Auszeichnungen gekört durch Leistung
Vater Cayado 3 Mutter Nicoise van de Claevervallei
Muttervater Echogene Latour Züchter Bennie Van Assche
Geburtsort Belgien, Ort hinzufügen Aufenthaltsort Belgien, oppuurs
Profilaufrufe 2481
Straight from the breeder a very nice big sport made Bwp gelding 7 years old is a pedigree of the top sire Cayado x Echogene Latour x Super de Bourriere. Comes from a super good SF line where a lot of sport is coming from. Bred according to a proven Belgian recipe, the best German blood united with the best French blood. He himself has a lot of quality but due to corona and pregnancy rider is behind on his age. Last 2.5 years little or nothing done. Just started again and is immediately back on level 110/120. Almost ready for 130 but has potential for much more. On training now at 130/135 Despite his size he has more than enough blood and jumps very easily. Is dressage trained well. You can see some videos on youtube under his name: Pluto van de Claevervallei. He has a golden character and is very well behaved, a real cuddler. You can do everything with him, from washing to trailer loading without any problem. As he has more than enough blood with a lot of attitude, he is also suitable for eventing. Rx pictures have been taken at the age of 2,5 years and were good without remarks. New inspections are allowed. Price is negotiable. For further questions only please call 0 ( 032 ) 475 70 59 41 or leave your nr and we will be happy to call you. No prices please by sms, messages, emails, chats these will NOT be answered.
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