Comme Za

Comme Za

Pferd, unbekannt, Wallach (gekört), 2014

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Name (DK) Comme Za Sportname (DK) Comme Za
Zuchtname (DK) Comme Za UELN 276433330963714
Lebensnummer DE 433330963714 Geschlecht Wallach
Rasse Holsteiner Typ Pferd
geboren 03.05.2014 Stockmaß 172 cm
Farbe Graufalbe Disziplin Dressur, Springen
Einsatzbereich Sportpferd Verband hinzufügen
Auszeichnungen gekört Vater Carlos DZ
Mutter hinzufügen Muttervater hinzufügen
Geburtsort Dänemark, 9000 Aalborg Aufenthaltsort Dänemark, 6710 Esbjerg V
Profilaufrufe 1904
FOR SALE - 7 Years Old Holsteiner, currently jumping 130cm - 140cm. Comme Za is out of a very strong and skilled German Holsteiner jumping horse-bloodline, with the finest jumping bloodline from the great stallions Carlos DZ, Cantus, Lavallo, Pesus XX. He has been a finalist in the Danish youngster Championship Finals, both as 4 years and 5 years. I am sure that he has the capacity for 150-160 cm show jumping classes with further training, general development and with the right rider in his saddle. He is always very aware of his jumps and sets off no matter how big or close we come to the fences. All in all, a horse with the right mindset and a large capacity. Comma Za is also a very good dressage horse within 3 good gaits - both walk, trot and canter. His level is M making perfect flying changes series, piaf etc. Comme Za is a horse that loves to learn and work for you as a rider. He is very strong, never sick, has a great courage, and he is in super good shape. He is all in all a nice, confident, stable and talented all-round horse, with his heart in the right place. Very comfortable temperament, which makes him very likeable. He is very family with horse shows, traffic and horse trailers. He is well trained, has 3 good gaits, a great jumping capacity and is surprising ease of riding, where his 172 cm makes the jumps very easy to overcome. He was clean in X-rays as 3-year-old. He enjoys being at the field every day.
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