Maluso CH

Maluso CH

horse, PRE, Stallion, 2008


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name (DE) Maluso CH UELN 724015080272698
National-ID ESP015080272698 unknown ID 10010000724010150014086
gender Stallion breed Pura Raza Espanola (PRE)
type horse born 04/18/2008
shoulder height 157 cm colour mold
discipline add mainly used for free time horse
riding club, association Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Española (ANCCE) Awards add
Father Inquieto VI Mother add
father of mother add Breeder Sergio Garcia
Place of birth Spain, Add city whereabouts Spain, 3200 Elx/Elche
profile views 2268
Stallion Purebred Spanish (P.R.E) Andalusian
Height: 157 cm. Date of birth: 2008
Price: to consult.
his father, black Stallion is pulled in Yeguada Militar.
Horses for sale directly from the breeder.
We are a family farm with over 30 years experience in breeding.
Breeding and sale of PRE, Pura Raza Española, Iberian, Andalusian horses, Export Worldwide.
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