Latino C la Copa

Latino C la Copa

horse, Andalusier, Stallion, 2009


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name (DE) Latino C la Copa gender Stallion
breed Andalusier type horse
born 02/12/2009 shoulder height 170 cm
colour chestnut discipline Dressur, Vielseitigkeit
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse, free time horse riding club, association Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Española (ANCCE)
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Breeder Sergio Garcia Place of birth Spain, Add city
whereabouts Spain, Elche, Alicante profile views 2489
Hengst Pura Raza Español Andalusier (P.R.E) Gekörter Hengst.
Name: LATINO C LA COPA Sehr gute Abstammung.
Geboren: 12/02/2009
Origins of Champions of Spain , qualified grandparents.
Größe: 170 cm.
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