His Moment

His Moment

horse, Trakehner, Stallion (approved), 2014

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stallion His Choice (Trakehner, 2016, from E.H. Millennium)

His Choice

broodmare Heavenly Brown (Trakehner, 2012, from E.H. Millennium)

Heavenly Brown

dressage horse Heavenly Moment (Trakehner, 2015, from E.H. Millennium)

Heavenly Moment

broodmare Helena 252 (Trakehner, 2010, from Syriano)

Helena 252

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stallion Gaspard 10 (Trakehner, 2018, from His Moment)

Gaspard 10

stallion Schäplitzer (Trakehner, 2018, from His Moment)


stallion Party Look (ex Popeye) (Trakehner, 2019, from His Moment)

Party Look (ex Popeye)

dressage horse Ilmenauhofs La Jolie (Trakehner, 2018, from His Moment)

Ilmenauhofs La Jolie

Show all 43 children


Base data

name (DE) His Moment sportname (DE) His Moment
breeding name (DE) His Moment UELN 276409090260614
National-ID DE 409090260614 gender Stallion
breed Trakehner type horse
born 04/28/2014 Day of death 06/07/2024
shoulder height 169 cm colour brown
discipline Dressur mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Trakehner Verband Awards gekört
Father E.H. Millennium Mother Hermine
father of mother Le Rouge 7 Breeder Christian Röhl
Place of birth Germany, 39576 Stendal (Sachsen-Anhalt) whereabouts Germany, 39576 Stendal (Sachsen-Anhalt)
profile views 15171
The stallion was licensed at Trakehner Licensing in Neumünster 2016.

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