Fantastic (Fantastic 33)

Fantastic (Fantastic 33)

horse, Hanoverian, Stallion (approved), 2010

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Base data

name (DE) Fantastic sportname (DE) Fantastic 33
breeding name (DE) Fantastic UELN 276431310581810
National-ID DE 431310581810 gender Stallion
breed Hanoverian type horse
born 01/01/2010 shoulder height 174 cm
colour black discipline Dressur
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association Hannoveraner Verband e.V.
Awards gekört Father Fürst Romancier
Mother Sienna G father of mother Sandro Hit
Place of birth Germany, 32351 Stemwede (Nordrhein-Westfalen) whereabouts Germany, 27367 Reeßum (Niedersachsen)
profile views 23622

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