
rimondo Insights

Ferguson, a Hanoverian stallion born in 2011, is particularly impressive due to his breeding achievements. Although he has no sports successes of his own to show, he has established himself as a valuable sire. With over 20 offspring, he demonstrates a remarkable breeding potency, reflected in the quality of his progeny.

Notably, his approved sons First Lewis and Kenzo stand out. Additionally, Ferguson has produced elite mares such as Khloé Platinum and Laika B, highlighting his breeding quality.

Ferguson's lineage is also noteworthy. His sire, Fuechtels Floriscount OLD, is a successful Oldenburg stallion with over 900 offspring. The maternal line, characterized by the Hanoverian mare Liebelei and the famous Thoroughbred Lauries Crusador xx, provides Ferguson with a solid genetic foundation.

In breeding, Ferguson shows a particular affinity for bloodlines influenced by Lauries Crusador xx, making his offspring sought-after partners in dressage sport.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stal Brinkman

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dressage horse Ferguson 9 (Hanoverian, 2016, from Fuechtels Floriscount OLD)

Ferguson 9

broodmare Flip Flop (Hanoverian, 2012, from Fuechtels Floriscount OLD)

Flip Flop

dressage horse Donna Luna (Hanoverian, 2013, from Don Frederico)

Donna Luna

broodmare Hester-Sue (Hanoverian, 2007, from Hotline)


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dressage horse First Lewis (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2016, from Ferguson)

First Lewis

dressage horse Miu Miu K (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2017, from Ferguson)

Miu Miu K

dressage horse Fergus de Tamise (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2017, from Ferguson)

Fergus de Tamise

dressage horse Lightning Star (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2016, from Ferguson)

Lightning Star

Show all 27 children

Base data

name (DE) Ferguson sportname (DE) Ferguson
breeding name (DE) Ferguson UELN 276431313902311
National-ID DE 431313902311 gender Stallion
breed Hanoverian type horse
born 04/02/2011 shoulder height 169 cm
colour sorrel discipline Dressur
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association add
Awards gekört Father Fuechtels Floriscount OLD
Mother Liebelei father of mother Lauries Crusador xx
Place of birth Germany, Add city whereabouts Netherlands, Add city
profile views 5972
Ferguson is an KWPN approved stallion Ridden by Kirsten Brouwer Hengstenstation Van Uytert, Heerewaarden

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