

horse, Holsteiner, Stallion (approved), 1993

rimondo Insights

Lordanos, an outstanding Holsteiner stallion, impresses not only with his own sporting career but especially with his exceptional breeding power. With over 1600 offspring, he has established himself as one of the most influential sires of his generation. Under the saddle of Janne Sosath-Hahn, Lordanos achieved his first remarkable results in S* class show jumping competitions.

His offspring have attracted attention worldwide. Particularly noteworthy is Lordan, who celebrated international success in the World Cup, as well as Hh Lets Fly, who also placed in the World Cup. Lordanos' breeding performance is impressively underscored by numerous licensed sons, such as Light On OLD and Lex Lugar, as well as state premium mares like Life Style.

Another highlight is the premium stallion Lomex 20, who impresses with a jumping RPI of 68. The preferred pairing with dam sires like Landor S repeatedly shows remarkable success. Lordanos remains a sought-after sire, whose influence on modern show jumping horse breeding is unbroken.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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jumper Laviano (Holsteiner, 1995, from Levantos I)


broodmare Sydne Rome (Holsteiner, 1989, from Sidney)

Sydne Rome

broodmare E-Unlimited (Holsteiner, 1990, from Lord)


horse Sidney J (Holsteiner, 1991, from Sidney)

Sidney J

Show all siblings


stallion Lissabon 29 (Oldenburg, 1999, from Lordanos)

Lissabon 29

stallion Light On OLD (Oldenburg, 2002, from Lordanos)

Light On OLD

stallion Lord Lohengrin 201 FIN (Hanoverian, 2001, from Lordanos)

Lord Lohengrin 201 FIN

jumper Lanox (Oldenburg, 2002, from Lordanos)


Show all 1627 children


Base data

name (DE) Lordanos sportname (DE) Lordanos
breeding name (DE) Lordanos UELN 276321210188993
National-ID DE 321210188993 gender Stallion
breed Holsteiner type horse
born 01/01/1993 Day of death 07/02/2021
shoulder height 169 cm colour brown
discipline Springen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Verband der Züchter des Holsteiner Pferdes e.V. Awards gekört
Father Landos Mother W-Ashley
father of mother Ahorn Z Breeder Büttner, Heiko
Place of birth Germany, Schafstedt whereabouts Germany, Lemwerder
profile views 51041

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