Sunset II 2532 FIN (Sunset II)

Sunset II 2532 FIN (Sunset II)

horse, Holsteiner, Staatsprämienstute, 2002


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broodmare Aloha 9 (Holsteiner, 2008, from Cormint)

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jumper Cornet's Countess (Finnish Warmblood, 2016, from Cornet Obolensky)

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jumper Carla Bruni (Finnish Warmblood, 2019, from Cascalinus 193 FIN)

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Base data

name (International) Sunset II 2532 FIN sportname (International) Sunset II
UELN 276421000015102 National-ID DE 421000015102
FEI-ID 103OX44 gender Mare
breed Holsteiner type horse
born 05/26/2002 shoulder height 170.5 cm
colour dark brown discipline Springen
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association add
Awards Staatsprämienstute Father Counter
Mother Momo father of mother Contender
Place of birth Germany, Nicole Hansen, Lepahn whereabouts Finland, Wist Sporthorses Oy, Helsinki
field test add station test add
profile views 240

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