Do It 31

Do It 31

horse, Mecklenburger, Stallion (approved), 2009

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Don't Touch 12

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Base data

name (International, AT, DE) Do It 31 sportname (International, AT, DE) Do It 31
breeding name (DE) DE 427270541209 UELN 276427270541209
National-ID DE 427270541209 FEI-ID 105MQ42
gender Stallion breed Mecklenburg
type horse born 03/25/2009
shoulder height 170 cm colour chestnut
discipline Dressur, Springen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Verband der Pferdezüchter Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Awards gekört
Father Dramatiker Mother Azarina
father of mother Azarro (Aachen) Place of birth Germany, Gestüt Ganschow
whereabouts Germany, Gestüt Ganschow profile views 4242

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