Thara 0610584

Thara 0610584

pony, Tinker / Irish Cob, Mare, 2006


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broodmare Senna 0810333 (Tinker / Irish Cob / Gypsy Vanner, 2008, from Chakotay 0101245)

Senna 0810333

broodmare Nina di Orla 0508330 (Tinker / Irish Cob / Gypsy Vanner, 2005, from Tinkerfarms O'Gulliver)

Nina di Orla 0508330

broodmare Flame 0810261 (Tinker / Irish Cob / Gypsy Vanner, 2008, from Chakotay 0101245)

Flame 0810261

horse Chabo 0910169 (Tinker / Irish Cob / Gypsy Vanner, 2009, from Chakotay 0101245)

Chabo 0910169

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horse Condor 201210186 (Tinker / Irish Cob / Gypsy Vanner, 2012, from Indezz 08100121)

Condor 201210186

horse Dolcey 1010312 (Tinker / Irish Cob / Gypsy Vanner, 2010, from Indezz 08100121)

Dolcey 1010312

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Base data

name (DE) Thara 0610584 sportname (DE) Thara 0610584
gender Mare breed Tinker / Irish Cob / Gypsy Vanner
type pony born 01/01/2006
shoulder height 150 cm colour add
discipline add mainly used for stud horse
riding club, association ICS Nederland (ICSNL) Awards add
Father Chakotay 0101245 Mother Orla 2 - 0403426
father of mother add Place of birth Netherlands, Lopik
whereabouts Netherlands, Add city field test add
station test add profile views 136


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