Blue Hors First Choice (First Choice 746)

Blue Hors First Choice (First Choice 746)

horse, KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), Stallion (approved), 2010

rimondo Insights

Blue Hors First Choice, an impressive KWPN stallion from 2010, has made a name for himself as a remarkable sire. Although he does not have any competition results to his name, his strength is evident in breeding. With over 40 offspring, he has already left a significant mark.

Particularly noteworthy is his approved son Fantini, who demonstrates his versatility in sport with over five placings. The state premium mare Florell's Choice also underscores the quality of his progeny.

Blue Hors First Choice comes from an impressive lineage. His sire, the renowned Jazz, is known for his strong breeding influence, while his dam's sire Negro is considered one of the most influential dressage sires. This combination makes Blue Hors First Choice a valuable asset in breeding.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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stallion High Five U.S. (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2012, from Charmeur)

High Five U.S.

broodmare Gorgeous Vurona (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2011, from Fürst Heinrich)

Gorgeous Vurona

broodmare Belle Vurona STH (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2006, from Fürst Heinrich)

Belle Vurona STH

broodmare Charming Vurona (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2007, from Decor Dreamcatcher)

Charming Vurona

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dressage horse Fred Astaire F (Oldenburg, 2015, from Blue Hors First Choice)

Fred Astaire F

dressage horse Red Chilli (Hanoverian, 2015, from Blue Hors First Choice)

Red Chilli

dressage horse Day-Lights Soulmate (Danish Warmblood, 2015, from Blue Hors First Choice)

Day-Lights Soulmate

dressage horse First Class 106 (Oldenburg, 2014, from Blue Hors First Choice)

First Class 106

Show all 42 children


Base data

name (DE, NL) Blue Hors First Choice sportname (DE) First Choice 746
breeding name (DE) First Choice breeding name (DK) Blue hors First Choice
UELN 528003201000019 National-ID NLD003201000019
gender Stallion breed KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse)
type horse born 01/01/2010
shoulder height 171 cm colour black Brown
discipline Dressur mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association add Awards gekört
Father Jazz Mother Vurona
father of mother Negro Place of birth Netherlands, Add city
whereabouts add profile views 5335

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