Rasso's Rock'n Roll

Rasso's Rock'n Roll

horse, Bavarian, Stallion (approved), 2012

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jumper Rabauke 62 (Bavarian, 2009, from Rasso Royal)

Rabauke 62

stallion Rastafari (German Sport Horse, 2015, from Rasso Royal)


jumper Fajoja (Bavarian, 2004, from Rasso Royal)


jumper Schorschi 20 (Bavarian, 2007, from Rasso Royal)

Schorschi 20

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broodmare Delicia SG (German Warmblood, 2018, from Rasso's Rock'n Roll)

Delicia SG

stallion Rigoletto SG (German Warmblood, 2018, from Rasso's Rock'n Roll)

Rigoletto SG

jumper Rassolino SG (German Sport Horse, 2020, from Rasso's Rock'n Roll)

Rassolino SG

jumper Danone SG (Bavarian, 2020, from Rasso's Rock'n Roll)

Danone SG

Show all 5 children


Base data

name (DE) Rasso's Rock'n Roll sportname (DE) Rasso's Rock'n Roll
breeding name (DE) Rasso's Rock'n Roll UELN 276481810205012
National-ID DE 481810205012 gender Stallion
breed Bavarian type horse
born 03/11/2012 shoulder height 159 cm
colour black Brown discipline Dressur, Springen, Vielseitigkeit
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association Zuchtverband für Sportpferde Arabischer Abstammung
Awards gekört Father Rasso Royal
Mother Königin der Kraft xx father of mother War Blade xx
Breeder Marion Jörg Place of birth Germany, Weidenberg
whereabouts Germany, 95512 Neudrossenfeld profile views 6211

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