Festus van de Casterhof

Festus van de Casterhof

pony, Minishetty, Stallion, 2012


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Base data

name (DE) Festus van de Casterhof sportname (DE) Festus van de Casterhof
UELN 528009121188640 National-ID NLD009121188640
unknown ID NL009121188640 gender Stallion
breed Shetland pony (under 87 cm) type pony
born 04/15/2012 shoulder height 77 cm
colour brown discipline add
mainly used for stud horse, free time horse riding club, association Zuchtverband für deutsche Pferde e.V. (ZfdP)
Awards add Father Tornado v.d. Rakkertjes
Mother Typical o'Hara v.d Beurshoeck father of mother Josh o'Hara v. Stal Brammelo
Place of birth Netherlands, Add city whereabouts Germany, Herford
profile views 405


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