Wembley (Wembley 214)

Wembley (Wembley 214)

horse, Welsh-Cob (Sek. D), Gelding, 1986


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name (DE) Wembley sportname (DE) Wembley 214
UELN 276398980180286 National-ID DE 398980180286
gender Gelding breed Welsh-Cob (Sek. D)
type horse born 07/15/1986
shoulder height 156 cm colour sorrel
discipline Dressur, Westernreiten, Wanderreiten, Fahren mainly used for free time horse
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father of mother add Place of birth United Kingdom, Add city
whereabouts Germany, Hamminkeln profile views 1248
Wembley was born and raised in Great Britain und in younger ages he was imported to germany.
At the riding farm Junkernbeel he was trained and at the age of possibly nine he was bought by Sandra Kisters und after that point mostly ridden in western style und since 1996, when he was moving to his current stable-location in Hamminkeln , he was trained in dressage as well. Wembley is now owned by Britta Becker, where he lives since almost 18 years and he will stay here for always :-) Wembley is an absolutely reliance horse and was rideable in western style, in dressage and in driving.
He´s actually 30 years old, but he always top in form.
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