Sensations Lunatico

Sensations Lunatico

horse, Pinto/Pleasure, Stallion, 2012


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Base data

name (DE) Sensations Lunatico gender Stallion
breed Pinto / Pleasure type horse
born 08/04/2012 shoulder height add
colour brown discipline Distanzreiten, Dressur, Fahren, Military, Springen, Vielseitigkeit, Wanderreiten, Working Equitation
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association Echa-ESV e.V. (Europäischen Scheckenzuchtverband)
Awards add Father Samir ibn Nahbay
Mother Loonatic Grace father of mother Landwind II
Breeder Nadja Eisenhauer Place of birth Germany, Mörlenbach
whereabouts Germany, Mörlenbach profile views 738


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