Mac Cila
Mac Cila
pony, German Riding Pony, Mare, 2004
- pony
- German Riding Pony
- Mare
- 2004
Tournament results
Nadine Lefler | Großes Reit- und Springturnier in Gelsenkirchen-Scholven am 02. bis 04.08 | ||
Ricarda Laskowski | Hallen-Reit- und Springturnier 2013 beim RV Alt Marl |
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Base data
name (DE) | Mac Cila | sportname (DE) | Mac Cila |
UELN | 276443430381404 | National-ID | DE 443430381404 |
gender | Mare | breed | German Riding Pony |
type | pony | born | 02/26/2004 |
Day of death | 08/21/2014 | shoulder height | 154 cm |
colour | fallow | discipline | Dressur |
mainly used for | stud horse, sportshorse | riding club, association | add |
Awards | add | Father | FS Champion de Luxe |
Mother | Mac Mona | father of mother | Marquis AA |
Place of birth | Germany, Add city | whereabouts | Germany, Add city |
field test | add | station test | add |
profile views | 2203 |