Lubie de Saussay

Lubie de Saussay

horse, Selle Français, Mare, 1999


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Base data

name (DE) Lubie de Saussay sportname (DE) Lubie de Saussay
breeding name (DE) Lubie de Saussay UELN 25000199405616R
National-ID FRA00199405616R FEI-ID GER27527
gender Mare breed Selle Français
type horse born 04/06/1999
Day of death 06/29/2015 shoulder height 170 cm
colour mold discipline Springen
mainly used for sportshorse riding club, association add
Awards add Father Carthago
Mother Fantaisie Amusante father of mother Laudatus
Breeder Forbes, Georgina Lady Place of birth add
whereabouts add field test add
station test add profile views 492

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