

horse, Black Forest Horse, Stallion, 2002

rimondo Insights

Wildhüter, an impressive representative of the Black Forest Draft Horse, has established himself as an influential sire in breeding. Born in 2002, he has left a significant mark with over 15 offspring. Particularly noteworthy are his approved sons Wildschütz, Wälderprinz, and Weissenbach, which demonstrate the quality of his bloodline impressively.

One of his outstanding daughters, the state premium mare Paloma, confirms Wildhüter's exceptional breeding power. Although he himself has no sporting achievements to show, his strength in breeding is evident through the quality and recognition of his progeny.

His sire Wilderer and his dam's sire Moritz also contribute to the remarkable genetics of this stallion. Wildhüter remains a sought-after sire, whose offspring impress both through their performance capabilities and breeding successes.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text


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Stallion owner of Wildhüter

Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach

Samenbestellung: Mo. bis Sa., auch an Feiertagen. Samenversand: Externes Transportunternehmen.

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breeding tax from 120 €

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stallion Weißgerber (Black Forest Horse, 1997, from Widukind)


broodmare Donna (Black Forest Horse, 1995)


horse Watzmann 81 (Black Forest Horse, 2000, from Wilderer)

Watzmann 81

broodmare Espe (Black Forest Horse, 2002, from Wilderer)


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dressage horse Wildfang 429 (Black Forest Horse, 2008, from Wildhüter)

Wildfang 429

broodmare Emma TM (Black Forest Horse, 2008, from Wildhüter)

Emma TM

broodmare Ilka II (Black Forest Horse, 2009, from Wildhüter)

Ilka II

stallion Wildschütz (Black Forest Horse, 2009, from Wildhüter)


Show all 15 children


Base data

name (DE) Wildhüter sportname (DE) Wildhüter
breeding name (DE) Wildhüter UELN 276473730049802
National-ID DE 473730049802 gender Stallion
breed Black Forest Horse type horse
born 01/01/2002 shoulder height 156 cm
colour sorrel discipline add
mainly used for stud horse riding club, association Pferdezuchtverband Baden-Württemberg e.V.
Awards add Father Wilderer
Mother Dorle father of mother Moritz
Breeder Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach Place of birth add
whereabouts Germany, Gestüt Marbach profile views 4674

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