

pony, Fjord Horse, Stallion (approved), 2005


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horse Lenja (Fjord Horse, 2006, from Lenngard)


horse El Blanco v.h. Zilverhof (Fjord Horse, 2003, from Heia Gutt N.2633)

El Blanco v.h. Zilverhof

dressage horse Linus (Fjord Horse, 2006, from Lenngard)


dressage horse Stan (Fjord Horse, 1997, from Lenngard)


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broodmare Loona (Fjord Horse, 2010, from Legolas)


jumper Lumen vom Wiesenbach (Fjord Horse, 2017, from Legolas)

Lumen vom Wiesenbach

broodmare Adelind vom Wiesenbach (Fjord Horse, 2015, from Legolas)

Adelind vom Wiesenbach

jumper Loki (Fjord Horse, 2010, from Legolas)


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Base data

name (DE) Legolas sportname (DE) Legolas
UELN 276443434098205 National-ID DE 443434098205
gender Stallion breed Fjord Horse
type pony born 05/18/2005
shoulder height 144 cm colour white dun
discipline Dressur, Springen, Wanderreiten, Fahren mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Österreichischer Zuchtverband für Ponys, Kleinpferde und Spezialrassen (ÖZP) Awards gekört
Father Lenngard Mother Zena
father of mother Almglimt Breeder Körner, Sabine
Place of birth Germany, Add city whereabouts Austria, 2201 Gerasdorf bei Wien
profile views 7230
Color: White Dun

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