Damsey FRH
horse, Hanoverian, Stallion (approved), 2002
- horse
- Hanoverian
- Stallion (approved)
- 2002
rimondo Insights
Damsey FRH, a Hanoverian stallion born in 2002, has made an outstanding name for himself both in sport and breeding. Under the saddle of Steffen Frahm, he achieved his first successes before celebrating his greatest international achievements with Helen Langehanenberg, including victories in international Grand Prix competitions and the title of European Team Champion in 2017.
In breeding, Damsey FRH has produced over 260 offspring, including several approved stallions such as Dream Maker and Damian, who was also awarded as a premium stallion. Outstanding mares like Di-Lara, a state premium mare, and Riverbank Rosey 2811 FIN, also a state premium mare, emphasize his excellent genetic influence.
Particularly notable is his strong influence in dressage, reflected in the high RPI values of his offspring, such as Depiereux B with a dressage RPI of 93. Preferred pairings with dam sires like Lauries Crusador xx have proven to be especially successful.
Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text
Stallion owner of Damsey FRH

Hengststation Jens Meyer
Die Hengststation Jens Meyer bietet für einige Hengste ein züchterfreundliches Decktaxensplitting an. Genaueres erfahren Sie vom Hengsthalter.
Sperm availability
- fresh
- frozen
- natural
breeding tax: on request
Tournament results
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Top 50 Dressurpferde der Welt - WBFSH Ranking 2019 | dorit kothe |
Top 50 Dressurpferde der Welt - WBFSH Ranking 2018 | dorit kothe |
Top 50 Dressurpferde der Welt - WBFSH Ranking 2017 | dorit kothe |
Success evaluation
Major success
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Sport success
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Success as junior
only for pro member
Breeding awards
only for pro member
Base data
name (International) | Damsey FRH | name (DE) | Damsey |
sportname (International, DE) | Damsey FRH | breeding name (DE) | Damsey |
UELN | 276431316886802 | National-ID | DE 431316886802 |
FEI-ID | GER45558 | gender | Stallion |
breed | Hanoverian | type | horse |
born | 04/21/2002 | shoulder height | 170 cm |
colour | dark brown | discipline | Dressur |
mainly used for | stud horse, sportshorse | riding club, association | Hannoveraner Verband e.V. |
Awards | gekört | Father | Dressage Royal |
Mother | Ria Grande | father of mother | Ritual |
Breeder | dorit kothe | Place of birth | Germany, Hengsthaltung Kothe, Gestüt Alsenhof, Wacken |
whereabouts | Germany, Hengststation Jens Meyer | profile views | 50202 |