Flo Bie (Flo Bie 2)

Flo Bie (Flo Bie 2)

horse, Hanoverian, Mare, 2004

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broodmare Flobie (Hanoverian, 2007, from Fly High)


jumper De Joker (Hanoverian, 2000, from Drosselklang II)

De Joker

jumper Lord Hippelank (Hanoverian, 2009, from Lord Pezi)

Lord Hippelank

jumper Floreen SFN (Hanoverian, 2003, from Fly High)

Floreen SFN

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stallion Lord Fly High (Hanoverian, 2008, from Lord Pezi)

Lord Fly High

jumper Lui 88 (Hanoverian, 2009, from Lord Pezi)

Lui 88

jumper Castella 100 (Westphalian, 2017, from Cascavelle NT)

Castella 100

jumper Hengst von Caressini / Fly High (Westphalian, 2019, from Caressini)

Hengst von Caressini / Fly High

Show all 4 children


Base data

name (DE) Flo Bie sportname (DE) Flo Bie 2
breeding name (DE) Flo Bie UELN 276431318308504
National-ID DE 431318308504 FEI-ID 103ME01
gender Mare breed Hanoverian
type horse born 01/01/2004
shoulder height 170 cm colour black Brown
discipline Springen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association add Awards add
Father Fly High Mother Sirit
father of mother Singular Joter Breeder Johannes Vornholt
Place of birth add whereabouts Germany, Gronau
field test add station test add
profile views 3980

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