Chady 2789 FIN (Chady)

Chady 2789 FIN (Chady)

horse, Hanoverian, Staatsprämienstute, 2001


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broodmare Cera Classica (Hanoverian, 2002, from Chasseur I)

Cera Classica

broodmare Claire (Hanoverian, 2003, from Chasseur I)


horse Cardoso Wh (unknown, 2003, from Chasseur I)

Cardoso Wh

jumper Cent-Man (Hanoverian, 2002, from Chasseur I)


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jumper Cappuccina 16 (Hanoverian, 2012, from Cent 15)

Cappuccina 16

jumper Cosmo de Calla (Finnish Warmblood, 2018, from Celantus 188 FIN)

Cosmo de Calla

jumper Chokolate Friend (Finnish Warmblood, 2014, from Cent 15)

Chokolate Friend

jumper Diamant de Calla (Finnish Warmblood, 2016, from Diamant de Plaisir)

Diamant de Calla

Show all 4 children


Base data

name (DE) Chady 2789 FIN sportname (DE) Chady
UELN 276431313812401 National-ID DE 431313812401
gender Mare breed Hanoverian
type horse born 05/18/2001
Day of death 09/01/2019 shoulder height 164 cm
colour chestnut discipline Springen
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association add
Awards Staatsprämienstute Father Chasseur I
Mother Dalena 2157 FIN father of mother Dynamo
Breeder Blank, Sophia Place of birth Germany, Dietrich Brandt
whereabouts Finland, Tiina Isokääntä, Alavieska field test add
station test add profile views 430

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